January 12, 2019

The City Moves Through You, Babe

I remember ranting to my bestfriend on the first day of the year that I was bored like crazy and I needed a massive change of scenery. So when a friend invited me to go to Taipei for a few days, I impulsively booked the flights and hoped for the best (mainly because I didn't ask permission from my parents before booking and only told them after I did...).

Also, that was the last photo I took with my favorite bucket hat (RIP Bucket Hat 2018-2019) before losing it in immigration. But it's true what my friend said though, "when you lose something in a different country, the country gives you back something more." So here goes my first international trip! I was honestly complaining about not taking enough photos but here we are, sifting through hundreds of them...

Apparently, coffee's industry price in Taiwan is twice of Manila's so you better believe I'm taking a photo with my first latte.
One of my favorite parts of the trip was living behind Taiwan's Camera Street and they sold film for CHEAPS. (By cheap, I mean half the price that I would usually get them for. AND THERE'S KODAK FILM EVERYWHERE HELP.) 
 There was something about Taiwan's alleys that make me want to take photos on every single corner. I've been wanting to explore street photography for a long time now (and not have the fear that my camera might get stolen) so it felt like this was a good start.
Our Airbnb was right above Taipei Main Station and the building had a fantastic view at night (which I couldn't give justice to with photos). I nearly got hypothermia on that roof deck though but I can attest that it's the perfect place to listen to Billie Eilish on.

Thanks for letting me on this trip and letting me annoy you throughout.
Our own tea ceremony c/o Migs.
Sunset in Maokong

Given that this is where I work, I just HAD TO see Off-White Taipei for myself and compare. The location's in the more upscale part of Taiwan and was honestly just a far walk from everything else.
A stupid decision was not buying shit in Stussy because I had a fear that I might run out of cash (which didn't happen). 
Highkey my favorite photo throughout my whole trip. This was on the way to a highly recommended coffee roastery.
Rufous Roastery in Da'an District

We had a traditional tea ceremony in A Mei Teahouse (which is said to be the inspiration for the Bath house in Spirited Away). I came out of there tea drunk while carrying No Face and a bunch of Soot plushies for my siblings (like the Ate that I am).

It was fogging up in the city like crazy so Taipei 101 looked like the Devil was looking over us.
My main takeaways from this trip:
1. Go shopping on your last day.
2. Hoard tons of film.
3. I honestly want to travel more and see more art now.

(Not in photo: a burnt tongue, a bunch of soy milk and milk tea, tons of walking, and very very very cold hands.)

Full disclaimer: There's a lot more depth to this trip than my words and my photos but I'm seriously finding it hard to give justice to it so here's a playlist:

© hello to you too!Maira Gall