January 17, 2019

Fresh Out a Black and White Movie

Film has always been a fun exercise for me mainly because I like the entire process of it  from buying the film, to the tedious developing, and the loooooong wait for prints.

It's gotten to a point where I forgot what was on these rolls because these photos date back to mid-2017 (which was honestly an odd point in my life) to the latter half of 2018. These were all shot on Ilford 400 Black and White film with a Konica camera from my dad.

My 21st birthday

College Graduation

An Edgy Cemetery

Old Manila

Working in Rockwell

Our Secret Hiding Place
"Do I flex my shirt or my butt?"

These photos just feel like random notes to myself: (1) Practice your composition and framing; (2) Choose your subjects well; and (3) Shooting in film is just a reminder of how I take photos for myself.

As mentioned, I hoarded film in Taiwan so I have fresh rolls to last me for months. At the same time, I have a bunch of undeveloped rolls from 2012 to 2014. (I have to thank Marie Kondo because I found these rolls while tidying up... literally.)

© hello to you too!Maira Gall