April 23, 2017

Teo Athletics: No Matter What

If you knew me personally, you could attest that I am the least athletic person out there (hand-eye coordination isn't my thing) but I took it as a challenge to shoot my friends' sportswear brand, Teo AthleticsTeo Athletics is an up and coming sportswear brand and they recently released their first ever collection. For this collection, it took us two days to shoot in three different locations. Mainly, the biggest task I faced was having to wake up early for a morning shoot... but kidding aside, I really had fun working with the people behind the brand. 

More photos from their collection under the cut!

Phantom Grey Tank Top
Model: Angela Caleon

Mauve Performance Tank Top

Phantom Grey Tank Top
Model: Clara Quadro

Spectre Blue T-shirt

Phantom Grey T-Shirt
Model: Mathew Custodio

Don't forget to check @TeoAthletics out on Twitter and Instagram, and through facebook.com/TeoAthletics!

For order and inquiries, contact Teo Athletics through (0917) 811 1728
© hello to you too!Maira Gall