June 25, 2016

Fete Dela Musique 2016

Fete Dela Musique (or World Music Day) became an day of venturing in the city of Makati in search of great music. Of course, we easily found it as the day was dedicated to music. While we were basking under the  I would've loved to cover all of the stages but I had to force myself to stop at 6 only because I had a strict curfew. As tiring as the day was and as panicked as I was because my camera's battery was on the brink of death, the adventure was totally worth it!

Prepare for a long-ass photo-heavy post because I had way too much fun shooting for Scout that Saturday night. You can view several of my photos on Scout's website!

June 9, 2016

Early / Late

For the past few weeks, I’ve been listening to a lot of local music which I think was brought by my trips to SaGuijo and attendance to music festivals. So, when I was shooting for Ibarra Watches, I had the music of crwn and bp hovering over me as I flatlayed one layout after the other (thus the song title I can't help but resonate with because I've been using the watch to determine whether or not I'll be late for my 9 am classes). With such great music in the background, I was trying to think of ways to put the Rizal watch in focus. After a day of planning and a trip to National Bookstore, I was able to let my childhood resurface and do some arts and crafts over the weekend. Here's the output after several days of conceptualizing, cutting, pasting, and shooting for Ibarra Watches!

© hello to you too!Maira Gall