March 5, 2016

Community Service Photo Diary

Last February 27, my classmates and I headed to Paco, Manila to render community service in St. Anthony School. For these photos, we used a Pentax camera and heavy filtering on Lightroom. Apparently, we used 30mm prime lens older than we are so, it was just fitting to give these photos that vintage feel. (I'm really amused by the VSCO filters on Lightroom. They do wonders!) Again, I'm heavily inspired by Daido who made me appreciate blur and out of focus shots except most of these photos are in color unlike his work. More photos under the cut!

Gabby Rey
Philanthropist Cat  
I absolutely love how these photos look like they're from a disposable film camera!
I think we all know how incredibly tiring these outreaches are but at the end of the day, they're much more gratifying than we think it would be. I'm still saving all the cliches for my reflection paper but there's that.
© hello to you too!Maira Gall