April 18, 2014

I woke up near the sea

Right after Boracay, I basically went home to dry my clothes and bikinis for a family trip to Cebu. (I got home from Boracay on the 10th then left for Cebu on the 12th.) I've beem looking forward to going back to Cebu because my first visit was such a blast. My trip was so bitin that I thought of reasons to go back to Cebu while I was still in the Queen City of the South. [Almost] all of our expenses were taken care of by our host so, I couldn't be more grateful.

When I met you in the summer

My friends and I stayed on the island from April 6 to 10 for Batch Bora. (A check on my Christmas wish list!) It was a week of long walks under the scorching sun, booze (luh), and chillin' by the beach spent with good company. Most of the photos are taken from Sharina Tan, Dana Aquino, and my phone. I got too lazy to lug my camera around. The photos from my film camera are yet to be developed.

April 2, 2014

You're cold and I burn

My friends and I (plus my 12-year-old sister) got to see The 1975 play for free at Glorietta last March 31! We had free passes inside the venue but opted for the side stage instead because it was closer to the band (hence, all the side angles on the photos). Their set list was close to perfection... if only they played She Way Out. On the brightside, we got to meet the band right after the show and we came home with signed CDs!

I felt like I took half-assed photos because they all came out too grainy but the gradient map became my salvation.
© hello to you too!Maira Gall