December 21, 2015


As the years go by, my Christmas wishlists grow shorter and shorter. Contrary to the wishlist above, a Moleskine and a ticket to Wanderland aren't the only things I want.  I want a better body, better art skills, and better grades. I also want to try new things like creative writing and drawing (because I can't draw for shit). I'm actually looking forward to 2016 because I'm seriously hoping for it to be a hundred times better than 2015. I have no clue what's ahead for me next year but as cliche as it may sound, I'm taking it as an opportunity to become a better person.I just hope my frail body doesn't collapse due to lack of sleep while I try to attain everything! 

As fun as the year was, I can't wait for the fresh start that the new year brings. 2015 was a year in which I celebrated mediocrity. I wouldn't let the same happen to 2016. (We deserve nothing but the best for ourselves *sparkle emoji*)

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!

PS. I'm apologizing for the lack of blog posts. School has been over for a while now but I've been too stressed to write about anything. But hey, I'm collating my snaps and I can't wait to post a play by play of what's been going on in my life!
© hello to you too!Maira Gall