May 14, 2015

My Story v.2

I've made a habit of saving my snapchats because I had so much fun making the first one. This one ranges from babysitting to a trip to Cebu to ending my first year in La Salle. With my Frosh year coming to a close, it was very timely that I got asked if I had any tips for an incoming frosh. Since my LPEP was exactly a year ago, it gave me a good chance to reminisce and think about what I would’ve told my pre-college self. I'd probably tell her that those black pants made her hips look huge… But kidding aside, there are some things to remember as you go through your first year in college.

Your academics should be at the top of everything. My mom booked a flight to Cebu in the midst of finals week. Upon arrival, I had to film myself delivering a speech because I was going to miss an important presentation. I also had to think of a way to submit a hard copy of my final paper (while I was at the beach) because my professor didn’t accept online submissions. As much as I wanted to swim right away, I just couldn't put my academics off. I wouldn't risk my grades for something that can wait. 

Surround yourself with good people. During my LPEP, the first person who talked to me was a nerdy guy who asked if he could sleep on one of the benches in the lobby. Little did I know that the same guy would be the first to show up at my party and become one of my closest college buddies. I’m just grateful I went through my frosh year with good company and that I spent the year with people I wish I’d met sooner. In college, you're going to meet different kinds of people and it's up to you to decide which ones you're going to keep.

Be active. During my first term, I solely focused on my academics as I was just getting introduced to the system. I just wanted to get a feel of a chill college life. Come second term, I applied to become an executive under my batch government and on my third term, I landed a spot in The LaSallian as one of their layout editors. It would help if you applied in orgs which are relevant to your chosen profession as these orgs allowed me to experience a professional setting despite being a freshman. (plus, they’d look good on your resume!) If you're worried about the workload, the 4th tip will be helpful.

Balance your time well.  Time management is key! My planner has these hourly markers that help me track my tasks and finish it at a designated time. But in between tasks, don't forget to allow yourself to have little breaks when your workload gets too heavy.

Anecdote time! I once saw a photo on Facebook that said “Pick two: sleep, social life, academics.” I once spent an all-nighter on a documentary while I constantly updated my Twitter. I live by the saying “Ang tulog, nababawi. Ang grades, hindi.

Be open to change. After spending over 10 years in the same school, going to La Salle was such a breather due to its liberated environment compared the shackles of an all-girl Catholic school. You’re going to be in classes WAY different from the usual high school setting (I once had a class where 1 point was equal to 1% of your grade) and deal with professors who have varying teaching styles. The transition won’t be as smooth but you’ll pretty much enjoy the ride.

To cap it all off, college isn’t always what you expect it to be. I always had the notion that college would equate to independence. For years, I was driven to and from school by my parents so the thought of commuting on my own was so thrilling. The thrill ended when I found out my phone was stolen at the MRT station on my second day of school. Suddenly, the independence wasn’t as great but it was a good learning experience. I’m glad to be walking away from the year with a handful of knowledge and memories that go beyond the walls of a classroom.
© hello to you too!Maira Gall